Photo credit: Gawker.com |
This foreign born permanent A list celebrity is also the offspring of permanent A list celebrities. We’ll call him Mr. H. Because of his family ties, his career trajectory is pretty much a slam dunk. The problem is that the Mr H is only in the position he’s in because of his family connections. He is not very talented in his niche and his public likability factor is not that great either. It also doesn’t help that Mr H also suffers from frequent foot-in-mouth-disease and likes to mouth off about stuff in public that he shouldn’t.
Mr H’s personal life also has a history of being messy, and a good portion of the mess has been public. You’d have to be living on Mars not to know about it. Anyway, there are several situations involving Mr. H that are not known publicly. These scandals, if made public, would make the prior stuff involving our celebrity look like a day at Disneyland. Mr. H is very nervous right now because of a recent event that may unearth one of these secrets. If one of these particular situations were to become public knowledge, it would cause big problems for Mr H and his career path going forward. Not only could it totally derail those career plans, but also could do some serious damage in his personal life.
But, before we get to that, we need to take a trip in the Wayback Machine for a little history on this guy. As I already wrote, he has some character issues. He’s self centered and at heart, weak and ineffectual. This is mostly due to his upbringing. Mr. H also has a monster ego and sense of righteousness- and a nasty streak a mile wide if he’s challenged. It’s his way or the highway. He’s also had a history of making bad decisions about women, mostly because he vacillates between being weak and then alpha aggressive. Big time Mommy issues. No one can reign this guy in, not even his family members. One of his worst choices was to get involved with a particular woman when he was younger. He moved on from that eventually, but that particular woman lurked in the background of his life for a long time, causing a lot of collateral damage later. Mr H has also had a number of public relationships that did not work out. He eventually did get married- for the wrong reasons- and the marriage was a total disaster that played itself out in the public eye. What made it worse was that Mr. H cheated– a lot. Not only did he cheat publicly, but had other not-publicly known liaisons, including an affair with the hired help. Those around him were horrified about his bad judgment and a good deal of time and energy had to be spent doing damage control around his public image. This stuff had all the makings of an epic rubbish fire.
Now, back to the present day. Mr. H is on pins and needles because of a potentially emerging scandal which would dredge up all the old stories of his past. The scenario he is worried about involves a young woman who we’ll call Miss E. Miss E is a B list celebrity in her own little circle. She and her family have been close to Mr. H and his family for years. What the public doesn’t know is that Mr H had a long term affair with Miss E, starting from when she was barely out of her teens. Miss E harbored fantasies for years about marrying Mr. H. He, of course, strung her along with false promises about where the relationship was going (which was nowhere). The affair went on for a long time before she realized she was just being strung along. The problem is that Mr H could be so charming at times that she just could not say no to him, even though she knew she’d never be anything more than a hookup. Despite her attempts to break free from him, Miss E always went back when he called. One reason was low self esteem. The other was the money he would send her way. Several of her friends know about the couple. They also know that something that happened recently between the pair has the potential to expose their relationship which would make front page news and ruin Mr. H for all time.
Crazy Days and Nights
My best guessMr. H: Prince CharlesWoman in background: Camilla Parker-Bowles
Wife: Princess Diana
Hired help: Tiggy Legge-Bourke
Miss E: Tara Palmer-Tomkinson