Saturday, January 28, 2017

Royal blind item

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This B+ list mostly television actress from a long running cable show played too many of her cards too fast and is now having trouble holding on to her foreign born permanent A+ list celebrity boyfriend.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

My best guess
Actress: Meghan Markle
Boyfriend: Prince Harry

Friday, January 20, 2017

Royal blind item: "The Social Climber"

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This foreign born recently deceased celebrity was once a member of an extremely famous A+ family. To say he was socially ambitious is an understatement. He came by it naturally, since his mother was one of the most ruthless social climbers of her generation. After marrying young and giving birth to our celebrity and his sibling, their mother decided her husband was not ambitious or rich enough — and decided to trade him in for someone with much more wealth and social status, which she did. After marrying up, she also had children with the new, very rich husband. Those “new’ children were always the children she presented to the world– while consigning the older children from the first marriage to the sidelines. (She referred to the first set of kids as “the ugly kids”.) This celebrity’s father was a bit more caring towards his children but also troubled. He was married multiple times, including a marriage to a woman who was decades younger than he was. Coming from this background really affected our celebrity- and as a result, he developed into an extremely calculating, charming, and ambitious social climber himself. This bit of information about his personality traits are no secret, nor is the fact that he was bisexual. He was certainly not shy about sleeping with whichever women (or men) that could further his ambitions, which eventually took him to the very, very top of the societal food chain.

To say our celebrity’s love life was tangled and tragic is an understatement. There are many, many stories about him, but some of the lesser known stories involve the children he fathered out of wedlock. The first child was conceived just before our celebrity married a woman, who was at that time probably one of the most well known women in the world. In fact, this child was born at almost the same time that the wedding took place. What is more sad, is our celebrity would not consent to a paternity test for nearly four decades. The child, (that point now an adult), had heard rumors for years that the man who raised them was not their father biologically. (A DNA test later confirmed this.) What is even more twisted is our celebrity used to regularly visit the child’s family home when they were growing up, and the child did not suspect he was actually their real father until years later. The best part of this story is the circumstance in which this child was supposedly conceived. The pregnancy is said to have been the result of a relationship triangle– a weekend filled with alcohol, poppers and a liaison between our celebrity, a male friend and his compliant wife. The best part is that the male friend (who eventually raised the aforementioned child as their own), was due to play an important role in the wedding of our celebrity– and was forced to cancel at the last minute due to the impending birth of the child.

No one is really certain how many lovers (male or female) this celebrity actually had during his lifetime, but what IS known is that he was very popular in gay circles. He was always coy about his links to men, but was not shy about his female conquests, of which there were many. People who knew the celebrity back in the day claim that the real love of his life was a beautiful girl who was from a different race. He was said to be very much in love with this young woman, but she was deemed completely unacceptable by his mother due to her ethnicity and lack of wealth and social standing. Our celebrity dumped this girl shortly before his high profile engagement was announced. She was totally unaware (and devastated to learn) that he had been having a secret relationship with this other very famous woman while seeing her at the same time. Of course, eventually that high profile marriage ended in divorce, but our celebrity’s proclivities did not. He kept a mistress on the side for several decades. It is said that this mistress became depressed after spending the holidays alone one year, and subsequently committed suicide. Our celebrity did eventually get married again, but he was not faithful to the second wife either. That marriage came to an end after it was revealed that he’d fathered yet another child with a different woman on the side. He apparently was never involved with that particular child and never saw them prior to his death. The official cause of this celebrity’s death was given as one illness–but the rumor that has been floating around is that the real underlying cause of death was caused by something else.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

My best guess
Celebrity: Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon
Illegitimate child: Polly Fry
Father who raised her: Jeremy Fry
First real love: Jacqui Chan
Mistress that committed suicide: Ann Hills  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Royal blind item

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Our ginger royal is getting ticked off that his girlfriend is tipping off paps where they are headed when they go out. She is all about the publicity and can’t wait for that new contract negotiation.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Royal blind item: "Selling Your Soul For Teenage Girls"

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Over the past several years, a troubling pattern has begun to emerge in film productions. Many straight to On Demand movies are being made in this Eastern European country solely based on the fact their age of consent is 14. Production companies line up these movies back to back and bring in actors who are known for partying harder than most actors. The next thing you know, the actors are filmed having sex with some 14 year old and are asked to lower their fee to SAG scale rather than the amount originally agreed to. If they don’t agree, then they are threatened with the tapes being exposed.

The owners of the studios in these countries are generally backed by a foreign power who has been their backer for almost 100 years. If any really prominent actors are caught up in their night, they forward the information to certain divisions within that backing country. This has led to multiple former A list actors suddenly becoming front and center spokespeople for the country. They attest to how amazing it is and in return are given special status and recognition by the government with no one the wiser how it came to be.

Actors are not the only prominent people ensnared in this trap. Anyone with a fondness for teen girls who visits one of the countries should know they are going to be recorded with them. It is why a prominent member of the British royal family is such a staunch supporter of a country you wouldn’t think he would like at all. If you are a wealthy businessman doing business with one of these countries, you will be offered one of these 14 year old girls. You think it is legal, which it is, but would the rest of the world see it the same way. Plus, deliberately, other countries in this region raise and lower the age with a great deal of frequency and write the laws so no one understands what they mean except a prosecutor.

One actor who was a nobody when he was filming a sequel and got involved with a 14 year old is now an A- list mostly television actor on a hit network show. A 30 second snippet of his all night sex session with a 14 year old was remotely installed to his hard drive last month. He is freaking out and knows his career will be ruined and that newlywed wife of his will be out the door.

Another actor caught up in all of this was in one of the biggest movies of all time. You all know him even though he has not done much since. He was also in a millionth sequel to something when he got involved with several 14 year old boys. His significant other would leave for sure and no one would ever hire him again, so he has agreed to do multiple appearances in the backer country and to even appear on several episodes of a soap opera there.

This way back in the day A list mostly television actor got caught up with multiple teens when he was shooting one of these sequels and ended up having to sell part of his production company to a silent partner who is controlled by this backer country. The list goes on and on.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

My best guess
Eastern European country: Bulgaria
Foreign power: Azerbaijan
Prominent British royal: Prince Andrew 

Friday, January 06, 2017

Royal blind item

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This alliteration actress told one of her closest friends that she is trying to get pregnant. It seems though her foreign born A+ list celebrity boyfriend is not privy to that information.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

My best guess
Actress: Meghan Markle
Boyfriend: Prince Harry

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Royal blind item

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Out of my normal range, but apparently this elderly A+ list royal used a mild cold as a great excuse to stay away from several possible threats against her life that intelligence services said were likely. Apparently this all came to light because one royal family member used the absence to garner himself a bunch of publicity. That has not helped his relationship with his older brother who knows the younger brother uses opportunities like this to line his pockets with questionable income.

Source: Crazy Days and Nights

My best guess
Elderly A+ list royal: Queen Elizabeth II
Family member: Prince Harry
Older brother: Prince William