Photo credit: Gawker.com |
Several months ago there was a reunion of sorts. The pair had not seen each other in many years. Most people don't even know the pair ever met, but they had, and back in the day they even did more than just meet. The woman is an A+ lister. She has been A+ list for quite some time and was at the top of the world when they first met back in the day. She was following through on a wish he had made a few years before they actually did meet. When he heard that she was going to be in his city, calls were made and they spent a night ordering room service and having sex even though she was married at the time. It was something they both wanted as far as dinner went, but the extra entertainment wasn't planned.
Since that day, the A++ list celebrity she hooked up with has moved on with his life and she has moved on with hers. Rarely did they speak to each other or even attempt to contact each other. Fast forward many years and our A++ lister and A+ lister were going to be in the same city again. Not his city this time but her city. Arrangements were made and even though at the time she was involved with someone again, the two hooked up again, but this time in her hotel room and with two sets of bodyguards outside the doors.
Apparently our A+ lister was on a high for a week after this meeting and talks about it constantly to the point where a few months later she was in the A++ lister's city and wanted another meeting but he was too busy to meet. For almost two weeks she refused to leave her room except for required events because she kept waiting and hoping he would come by or call and he didn't do any of it. Since that happened she has never been the same. Something happened inside her those two weeks and she rarely smiles and has just not had the spark she once had. It is as if a light went off inside her.
Crazy Days and Nights
My best guess
A++ lister: Prince Harry
A+ lister: Britney Spears