Sunday, June 24, 2012

Four rehashed Royal blind items

Photo credit:

1. Blind Vice: Special Royal Scandal Edition! (first published April 2011)
As fabulous as our Royal Name Generator may be, let's face it: We debauched Americans at the Awful Truth were dressing up salacious celebs with our Blind Vice Superstars (and lesser Vice mortals) ages ago. And not to rain on William and Kate's happy day, but we simply cannot leave out the Vice-lovin' Brits!

The very shady HRH the Duke of Schlongsbury is like millionth in line to the British throne, but, babes, the law-breaking stud is legally entitled to rule the country, should it come to that. Which is why members of Parliament are super nervous.

Hmmm. What's the handsome duke's crime?

You know how often Queen Elizabeth II purses her lips or changes hats? Triple that figure and you've got the number of times Duke Schlongsbury beds underage girls.

And the very good-looking heir pays these women, on top of it—adding even more law-breaking badassness to his royal résumé!

Queen Liz knows all about it. So, too, do most of the country's elite, who are positively dead-set on gossiping about these things, but rarely doing anything about it.

Only this time, certain members of Parliament feel they're legally bound to try and stop the throne-line naughtiness. And the duke, who's quite used to getting whatever his horny heart desires, is royally pissed.

Hey, not nearly as peeved as Schlongbury's line-up of lovelies! Not only does he pay them extravagantly, he's got the biggest set of family jewels in all of England!

And we're not talking diamonds.

AND IT AIN'T: Viscount Linley (Princess Margaret's son), Peter Phillips (Princess Anne's son) or Prince Michael (Princess Michael of Kent's husband).

Source: Ted Casablanca's "The Awful Truth"

2. Blind Vice: No Taming This Royally Horny Slut! (first published July 2011)
There's something about living a fairy-tale life that just dares you to screw it up—or so one would think watching Lord Tripp Unzipped and all his dalliances. Despite having many high-profile affairs, Tripp has never seemed able to find the right looker to settle down with, that is, until he met the gorgeous Lady Unzipped.

And my, how the world ate it up, watching Lord and his pretty partner in marriage settle down—with lots and lots of future poshly positioned heirs to look forward to.


No. Quite wrong, in fact. The only thing that's really a stunner here is that Tripp's spouse went along with the matrimonial plan—even though this now incredibly rich partner (like many an Unzipped-friendly source) knows full well that not only does Lord U fool around, he's not exactly picky about who he gets into bed with, male or female.

And anybody who's anybody within this royal set is taking bets on (a) how long it'll be before Unzipped eventually chooses a less than discreet conquest romance, (b) when that will get out to the press and (c) just when (not if, but, when) is Lady Unzipped going to run screaming to anybody—and any publisher—who will listen about what a damn cheating, sloppy schmuck this Unzipped dude really is.

Impressive title be damned.

It Ain't: Elton John, Prince Edward, Sean Connery

Source: Ted Casablanca's "The Awful Truth"

3. New York Post's Page Six gossip column (first published January 2012)
What member of a foreign royal family was caught inhaling disco dust in a nightclub bathroom during a recent sporting event?

Source: New York Post

4. New York Post's Page Six gossip column (first published January 2008)
WHICH gorgeous daughter of a foreign-born billionaire had a fling last year with Prince William? While their families don't get along, and she could never marry the future King of England, the hookup between their clans was not unprecedented.

Source: New York Post

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Glamorous Princess Diana: The dresses and gowns (Youtube video)

Youtube user KellyWurx has uploaded a fascinating compilation of Princess Diana at elegant dinners, glittering premieres, and other dazzling high society events:

The clips are from the period 1996-1997. Two things stand out in particular: (1) the ever constant presence of the media ("Ma'am! Ma'am! Ma'am!"); and (2) the real story going on behind Diana's movie star smile, regal bearing, and well groomed appearance. She was trying to forge a new life for herself and her children as a divorced princess, in a turbulent environment where her husband's allies were trying their best to frustrate her every move. The concerns and welfare of the man on the street was still a priority for Diana. Her PR war against her ex-husband was still in full swing, and she was she was fighting off unfavorable stories in the press about her. She was also searching for the family life that had long been lacking.

International Business Times: "Why Prince Harry is the most fun and coolest amongst the Royals"

The International Business Times has published an article and accompanying slideshow that explains why nobody "can beat Prince Harry for being the coolest Royal." Basically, according to GQ Magazine's associate editor (Robert Johnston), it comes down to Harry's swagger and action-packed life.

I just have one thing to say: damn right, skippy!

What do you think? Do you believe that Harry is the most fun and coolest amongst the royals? Why or why not?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

In her own words: Princess Diana on comforting the sick and dying

Princess Diana comforts a young cancer patient during her 1996 trip to Pakistan. Source: Getty Images.
"I had always wanted to hug people in hospital beds. A visit to an AIDS hospice in 1991, with Mrs. Bush, was a stepping stone for me. This particular man, who was so ill, started crying when I sat on his bed, and he held my hand, and I thought 'Diana, do it, just do it,' and I gave him an enormous hug. It was just so touching because he clung to me and he cried. I thought, 'Wonderful!'
On the other side of the room, a very young man, who I can only describe as beautiful, lying in his bed, told me he was going to die about Christmas. His friend, a man sitting in a chair by his bed, was crying his eyes out. 'Why not me?' he said. I put my hand out to him and said: 'It’s not supposed to be easy, all this. Isn’t it extraordinary, wherever I go, it’s always those like you, sitting in a chair, who have to go through such hell, whereas those who accept they are going to die are calm?'
He said: 'I didn’t know that happened.' And I said: 'Well, it does; you’re not the only one. It’s wonderful that you’re actually by his bed. You’ll learn so much from watching your friend.'
He was crying and clung on to my hand, and I felt so comfortable in there. I just hated being taken away.
When I go into the Palace for a garden party or summit meeting dinner, I am a very different person. I conform to what’s expected of me; but when I come to the hospice, I know when I turn my light off at night, I did my best."

"I remember when I used to sit on hospital beds and hold people's hands, people used to be sort of shocked because they said they'd never seen this before, and to me it was quite a normal thing to do. And when I saw the reassurance that an action like that gave, I did it everywhere, and will always do that."
-Source: Diana's 1995 Panorama interview

Monday, June 11, 2012

From the Royal Archives: "Happily? Or just ever after? After six years Charles and Di's fairytale marriage loses its glow"

Photo credit: People magazine
People magazine published an article on June 8, 1987 about Prince Charles' and Princess Diana's deteriorating marriage, viewable here. This article was one of several that went against the myth of a fairytale love match, but instead provided an accurate insight into Charles' and Diana's dying marriage. Keep in mind, this was several years before Andrew Morton exposed the sham the marriage had become in his 1992 biography about the Princess.

To set this article in context, there was intense speculation by the British public into the growing distance between the couple, fueled by the media. Buckingham Palace's press office strenuously denied that the Wales' marriage was coming undone at the seams. Charles and Diana did their best to cover up their marital difficulties and put on a public display of unity, such as their 1985 joint TV interview. As Diana later stated during her Panorama interview, "albeit what was going on in private, we were a good team." However, body language doesn't lie, and the British public was becoming increasingly disturbed by what it was seeing.

Separation and divorce is a tragedy for all parties concerned, but even more so when the white hot glare of the press is added to the mix. Emotional, spiritual, and mental wounds were created that never fully healed. The royal family was ripped apart, and the reverberations were felt long after the divorce papers were signed. For example, Prince William had a nagging fear of having his heart broken; Princess Diana (allegedly) loved Charles to the end and never wanted to be divorced from him.

After a disastrous joint tour of South Korea in November 1992, Charles and Diana separated a month later. They were divorced in August 1996, and Diana died in a tragic car accident the following August.