A blog about the royals, royal families, and monarchies around the world. Special emphasis on Princess Diana
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Princess Charlene of Monaco: A royal prisoner
Monaco's Princess Charlene is stressed by her failure to give Prince Albert a legitimate heir and an escape route out their marriage, according to the Daily Mail. The article, citing a report in France's Voici magazine, alleges that Charlene was persuaded to marry Albert after an agreement was reached: once she gave birth to a legitimate heir (and stayed in the marriage for an acceptable length of time), she would be free to divorce him. However, her attempts to get pregnant have failed so far, making her depressed and more desperate than ever to escape her sham marriage.
If this is indeed true, it is a shocking and tragic outcome for all involved. In the 21st century, love and respect should be the most important considerations in any marriage (royal or not), not dynastic intentions. The implosion of Charles' and Diana's marriage made this abundantly clear. Are the public limelight and a luxurious lifestyle (complete with a king's ransom in jewels) worth happiness, contentment, and peace of mind? A thousand times, no!
Charlene, my advice to you is to leave now before it gets any worse. Stop being a victim. Stop enabling a dysfunctional system where women are seen as nothing else than breeding machines who must stoically look the other way when their husbands cheat. Life is too short to be living with a choice that you regret everyday. When you were coaxed into returning to Monaco, you went against your instincts. Don't do it again. We all know that Albert is a cad who will never change his stripes. Leaving now will not make you stupid or a failure. Quite the opposite, in fact. We will applaud you for finally standing up for yourself and saying "enough is enough."
But until that day, Charlene my dear, stay strong. Surround yourself with a support network focused on your well-being and your best interests. Pray for guidance as you chart a course in unknown waters. Above all else, listen to the voice inside you and stay true to yourself. You've already made an terrible mistake by marrying a man who doesn't love you. Don't stay and compound the tragedy.
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